Hours/ Horario:
M-F 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM
​S 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
L-V 8:00 AM a 6:30 PM
​S 8:00 AM a 4:30 PM
*Hours may vary on holidays*
*Horario puede cambiar en días festivos*
Walk-ins welcome / Atendemos sin cita
Ask about our tax filing season discount!
Pregunte sobre el descuento de la temporada de impuestos!
We have developed an excellent reputation with taking care of the tax needs for a wide variety of taxpayers. Whether you need assistance with financial management, tax filings, audits, or something else, you can count on us for professional service. We have a wealth of information and are looking forward to working with you.
We also provide a variety of non-legal immigration and services including general consulting, completing and filling immigration forms with the appropriate immigration agencies, translations, assistance start to finish by our team, and referrals to legal representation when needed. We handle all cases as a team and any service provider in our office may assist you in your process.
Individual Tax Preparation/ Impuestos Personales
Duration and Price Vary
Duración y Precio Varia
Assist and prepare individual income reports, provide assistance with the deductions and file the returns with the IRS and appropriate state and local agencies.
Uber, Lyft, etc.
Stocks & Crypto/ Acciones
Daycare / Cuidado de Niño
Business use of home / Oficina en casa
Business & Self Employment / Negocio Propio & Effectivo
Extensions / Extensiones
Sales Tax / Impuesto de ventas
Installment agreement / Plan de Pago
Late Filing / Años atrasados
Amended Returns / Enmiendas
Consults / Consultas
Audit Assistance / Ayuda con Auditorias
Tax Planning / Planificación Fiscal
Offer in Compromise / Oferta en Compromiso
And More / Y mas
Immigration Services / Servicios de Inmigracion
Duration and Price Vary
Duración y Precio Varia
Fully registered and licensed with CA Secretary of State as Immigration Consultant. Family immigration, naturalization, renewals and more.
Consular Process / Proceso Consular
Adjustment of Status / Ajuste Migratorio
Citizenship / Ciudadanía (N-400)
Application for Citizenship Document / Traspaso de Ciudadanía (N-600)
Citizenship Document Replacement / Reemplazo de Ciudadanía (N-565)
Residency Renewal / Renovación de Residencia (I-90)
Removal of Conditions / Remoción de Condición (I-751)
Birth Abroad / Nacimiento de Ciudadano en Extranjero
Work Permit / Permiso de Trabajo
Advanced Parole & Parole in Place / Permiso de viaje (DACA) y por Militar
Affidavit of Financial Support / Carta de Invitacion (I-134)
FOIA & Fingerprints / Huellas
Waivers / Perdones
Consults / Consultas
Translations / Traducciones
And More / Y mas
Small Business Consulting
Duration and Price Vary
Duración y Precio Varia
Preparation to better manage your company books and to avoid anomalies that could reflect a wrongful income report to the government.
Real Estate Tax Matters
Duration and Price Vary
Duración y Precio Varia
Reporting of sale of property, sale of business, depreciation recapture, amortization, depreciation allocation, rental properties, etc.
Real Estate
Duration and Price Vary
Duración y Precio Varia
Fully licensed realtor, purchase home, sell your home, and real estate and property management advice.
We are not attorneys.